DIY Fire Pit for Instant Backyard Appeal


Our DIY Fire Pit for instant backyard appeal was a weekend project that only took a day. It is perfect for summer gatherings and making s’mores with kids!

Our DIY Fire Pit for instant backyard appeal was a weekend project that only took a day. It is perfect for summer gatherings and making s'mores with kids!
My husband and I have always struggled with the backyard. Between the SoCal drought and our inability to keep anything alive, we needed a solution for our largest flowerbed. So, we decided to get rid of the old kids’ log cabin house and upgrade the space with a DIY fire pit for instant backyard appeal.

A backyard fire pit offers so many options for families:

  • Keep warm on chilly nights
  • S’mores Night (our personal favorite)
  • Backyard Camping
  • Beautiful Focal Point

Our DIY Fire Pit for instant backyard appeal was a weekend project that only took a day. It is perfect for summer gatherings and making s'mores with kids!I was happy to put my muscles (husband) to work clearing the big stuff. First, he needed to cut all the loose vines, remove a tree stump, haul off the bricks and transfer the plants into a smaller bed. No big deal, right?

Our DIY Fire Pit for instant backyard appeal was a weekend project that only took a day. It is perfect for summer gatherings and making s'mores with kids!Once he was done with leveling the dirt, I sent him to the store to pick up the fire pit kit and weed blocker. First of all, the weed blocker is great to put down to keep any crazy things from growing up through the rocks. Secondly, this fire pit kit is amazing. It comes with the exact amount of stone pavers needed as well as the metal insert ring to keep the fire pit safe. Wood fires burn very hot, and these pavers can explode. The metal insert will keep you and yours safe.

Our DIY Fire Pit for instant backyard appeal was a weekend project that only took a day. It is perfect for summer gatherings and making s'mores with kids!Our DIY Fire Pit for instant backyard appeal was a weekend project that only took a day. It is perfect for summer gatherings and making s'mores with kids!We chose our location for the fire pit and quickly put it together. Next, we found it was very easy to lay the pavers and we used the insert as our guide. After the fire pit was put together, my husband went back to the store as I laid down the weed blocker cloth. Last, I secured it with the metal pins.

The rest of the project was simply laying rocks… 33 bags! I also added a few plants and laid extra bark around the transported shrubs. I can’t get over how much better our backyard looks. We will enjoy hosting BBQs and parties for the rest of our time at this house. We also hired our favorite handyman to re-stucco the wall and give it a fresh coat of paint. Just in time for the kid’s birthday season!

Our DIY Fire Pit for instant backyard appeal was a weekend project that only took a day. It is perfect for summer gatherings and making s'mores with kids!

Shop this Project at Home Depot and pick up in store:

  • Fire Pit Kit
  • White Rocks
  • Weed Blocking Material
  • Metal Pins
Our DIY Fire Pit for instant backyard appeal was a weekend project that only took a day. It is perfect for summer gatherings and making s'mores with kids!

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