Fluffy Slime 4th of July Edition


Kids love Slime. Here is a fun way to get the kids involved at your BBQ with this Fluffy Slime 4th of July Edition.

Kids love Slime.  Here is a fun way to get the kids involved at your BBQ with this Fluffy Slime 4th of July Edition.
Seems like kids love crafts that are hands on, slightly messy and fun to play with.  Fluffy Slime is the perfect craft.   Easy to make and super fun to squish.

After going through 4 different Fluffy Slime recipes.  This one worked the best.   Here is a quick and easy craft, Fluffy Slime 4th of July Edition.

What you’ll need to make Fluffy Slime 4th of July Edition:

  1. Elmers Glue
  2. Borax
  3. Shaving Cream
  4. Food Coloring
  5. Glitter (optional)
  6. Contact Solution
  7. Bowl
  8. Spatula

Kids love Slime.  Here is a fun way to get the kids involved at your BBQ with this Fluffy Slime 4th of July Edition.
Step by Step instructions:

  • First you’ll need to make the Borax solution. This is very easy. Simply take 1 cup of hot water, pour into a bowl, and mix in 1 tablespoon of Borax.  Mix until clear and set aside.
  • In a new bowl, add 1 bottle of Elmer’s Glue, and 2 cups of Shaving Cream. Mix and then add your food coloring (and glitter if desired).  Add 1 more cup of shaving cream for extra fluffy slime.
  • Add 2 tablespoons of contact solution. This will help make it less sticky. Add 2-3 tablespoons of the Borax solution. Mix until it no longer sticks to the bowl. Begin to play!!!

Kids love Slime.  Here is a fun way to get the kids involved at your BBQ with this Fluffy Slime 4th of July Edition.
A few Tips I learned while experimenting with different recipes:

  1. Add 1 to 1 1/2 bottles of food coloring for darker colors.
  2. Buy glue in the large bulk container. Your kids will most likely want more than one color and this way you’re prepared.
  3. Use extra fine glitter.  This will show up better.
  4. Last and most important tip is easy cleanup. Take a few baby wipes and wipe away the fluffy slime from your spatula and bowl. Cleans in seconds!

Kids love Slime.  Here is a fun way to get the kids involved at your BBQ with this Fluffy Slime 4th of July Edition.
Fluffy Slime has many fun ways to play:

  • Sensory Fun. Add small toys to the slime allowing your child to explore the wonders of textures.
  • Gifts. Separate the slime into plastic containers, decorate with stickers and give to friends.
  • Party favors. Customize with coordinating colors to match your party theme. Individually wrap in small bags and complete it with a tied bow to close the bag.

If you’re looking for more fun hands on crafts, check out Kool-Aid Playdough!

Kids love Slime.  Here is a fun way to get the kids involved at your BBQ with this Fluffy Slime 4th of July Edition.


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